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Taken 9-Sep-16
Visitors 12

4 of 5 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions4000 x 4113
Original file size6.89 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Franciscan Onion (Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum) (?)

Franciscan Onion (Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum) (?)

Teri Barry writes: :This looks a lot like Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum, but am not sure based on the close up. I suggest you share this photo with the Herbarium group. If my educated guess is correct we have a listed plant in a location I don't think we have reported yet."

Here are some photos to give context to the photo. I now believe it was on Trail 5, not too far above San Francisquito Creek. It could even have been on Trail 1 next to the creek. See the times of these photos and their locations, and make up your own mind.

Please leave a comment if you know the ID.

I originally reported this to be on Trail 4 below the dam. I now feel it was probably on Trail 5, walking down toward the creek. Sorry, I was busy leading a group at the time and did not take notes -- or many photos.toward the creek? Or even Trail 1, the Herb Dengler Trail, coming back west from Trail 5?? 3:09 pm. Teri Barry writes: :This looks a lot like Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum, but am not sure based on the close up. I suggest you share this photo with the Herbarium group. If my educated guess is correct we have a listed plant in a location I don't think we have reported yet." I originally reported this to be on Trail 4 below the dam. I now feel it was probably on Trail 5, walking down toward the creek. Sorry, I was busy leading a group at the time and did not take notes -- or many photos.