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Visitors 173
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 24-Aug-14
63 photos

Perspectives are different from 1500 feet. Jasper Ridge looks very different from the air: sere, small. I was surprised to see so many animal trails through the dry grass. The real beauty, to me, is found closer in.

I finally talked my brother John into taking me up over Jasper Ridge. The day was clear, if a little hazy. The airplane was not ideal: low wings, plastic cockpit window. We took several passes; my nephew Patrick, watching for other airplanes from the back seat, became a little woozy. I am glad to have these new perspectives on the high ridge, and on Searsville Lake and environs. SLAC, next door to Jasper Ridge, is also in many of these photos.

8/25/2014: I just added six more images, mostly along the SLAC boundary -- at the end. This may be of interest to a few people.

There will be a companion folder, with photos of Portola Valley, Stanford, Palo Alto, and the Baylands, taken during the same outing: <>, in "Bay Area, Coast to Hills". I hope to add more to that folder some day.
SLAC to SkylineSLAC to Skyline (2)Jasper Ridge from the SouthJasper Ridge to the BaySLAC and Jasper RidgeSLAC and Jasper Ridge (2)SLAC and Jasper Ridge (3)Jasper Ridge and SLACJasper Ridge Biological Preserve from the AirJasper Ridge and Mount DiabloJasper Ridge and Mount Diablo (2)RidgetopJasper RidgeSerpenting Grassland on Jasper RidgeSerpenting Grassland on Jasper Ridge (2)Serpenting Grassland on Jasper Ridge (3)Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve and Farther NorthSerpenting Grassland on Jasper RidgeSerpenting Grassland on Jasper Ridge -- with Windy HillSerpenting Grassland on Jasper Ridge -- with Windy Hill (Vertical)