Created 3-Aug-18
An early morning walk through oak woodlands and almost down to Corte Madera Creek, with stormclouds overhead and a storm threatening. Along the way, I encounter a fragment of a rainbow in the fog, with two kites kiting for voles, and a falcon (?) cruising overhead. Heads, bodies, and legs of larger ants litter the entranceway to a harvester-ant nest; some residents are cleaning up while others bring in the harvest.

The first folder shows all aspects of the morning. The second shows insect adventures, including a grasshopper and a butterfly in addition to an extended view of the harvester ants and their harvest of death. The third folder focuses on birds: a falcon overhead; a hawk resting in the forest; and kite after kite, kiting in the heavens, descending to earth, flying off with prey, and devouring prey from the apex of a twisted valley oak. Enjoy this varied day with me.

If you know an ID or have anything else to say, please leave a comment on a photo!

9/13/2017 Dawn before Storm: Oaks, Kites, Ants, and More

Visitors 16
49 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
9/13/2017 Dawn before Storm: Oaks, Kites, Ants, and More

Carnage among the Ants

Visitors 9
36 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
Carnage among the Ants

Kites, Falcon, and Hawk

Visitors 13
64 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
Kites, Falcon, and Hawk

9/13/2017 Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens) along Road F

Visitors 9
4 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
9/13/2017 Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens) along Road F