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Taken 8-Feb-19
Visitors 2

2 of 60 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1626 x 1080
Original file size433 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken9-Feb-19 07:21
Date modified9-Nov-23 12:27
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D300
Focal length11 mm
Focal length (35mm)16 mm
Max lens aperturef/2.8
Exposure1/125 at f/8
FlashNot fired
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 200
Metering modeCenter-weighted average
Digital zoom1x
Dawn over Searsville Lake

Dawn over Searsville Lake

A pink cloud drifts over the lake, mimicking its shape. A body of water in the air echoes that in the valley below. Ground fog rises over the wetlands at the far end of the lake; pink clouds crown Skyline. The geese have departed. A cold mass of air moves off the lake, freezing the fingers of us photographers as many of us focus across the lake. 7:21 am.