Created 12-Dec-20
Catching a glimpse out the window, I grab my camera and step outside. Still inspired by last night’s reading*, I catch my breath in wonder: pink clouds dance above the summit of Windy Hill, a field of light. Still in the Earth’s shadow, the hilltop waits: open, expectant.

The clouds move, reform, and billow. Their colors shift from pink towards orange. Look! Sunshine touches Skyline – a sliver of daylight arrows toward the expectant hilltop. Then sunlight arrives: dawn on Windy Hill.

Silence reigns. The early questioning of the owl has long since faded; the raucous challenges from crow and raven are hushed. No breath of air stirs the treetops. We all silently bathe in the gift of light, a new day spreading from sky to clouds, from hilltop down into our quiet valley. Welcome!

Here are three galleries from this morning. In the first: three images of clouds, moon, and Windy Hill. My inspiration. The second shows the lone Blue Oak, in shadow before dawn, then in full sunlight. In the third gallery are some more images of dancing clouds and almost-full moon.

*Last night I read a little more of my brother Steve’s interview with photographer John Wimberly: Gestures to the Spirit: Photography and Beyond. Yes, inspiring.

12/2/2020 Promise: the Dawn of a New Day

Visitors 122
0 photos
Created 12-Dec-20
Modified 12-Dec-20

12/2/2020 Lone Blue Oak with Moon

Visitors 31
0 photos
Created 12-Dec-20
Modified 12-Dec-20

12/2/2020 Clouds, Moon, and Windy Hill

Visitors 26
7 photos
Created 12-Dec-20
Modified 12-Dec-20
12/2/2020 Clouds, Moon, and Windy Hill