Moon across Searsville Lake
The full moon sets. Distant hills are in sunlight, as the Earth turns toward the Sun. Searsville Lake remains in the shadow of nearby hills, the morning fog clearing away. The Leslie Shao-ming Field Station awaits the morning sunlight. The coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia) on the left are festooned with lace lichen (Ramalina menziesii). A bare valley oak (Q. lobata) stands out at the margin of the lake. Another valley oak, on the ridge at the right, sports bunches of oak mistletoe (Phoradendron serotinum ssp. tomentosum). Coast douglas firs (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii -- the "pseudo" means these are actually not true firs) are on the horizon beyond the Sun Field Station. Foreground: reeds. Trail 14, 2/25/2016, 7:08 am.