Redstem Filaree (Erodium cicutarium) with Dew (Head On)
Road F. There are 6 images of the same plant, to help with ID. This is #4. Toni Corelli writes: "Beautiful photos. It is an Erodium, I had never noticed that each stamen had 2 anther sacs, your photo shows that so clearly and I thought there were 10 stamen. We would need the fruit to identify it to either E. brachycarpum [DQ: short-fruited fliaree] or E. cicutarium [redstem filaree]." But I note in the Jasper Ridge Plant list that E. brachycarpum was collected at JRBP in 1903 and not reported since. So I am going with E. cicutarium (redstem filaree). Yes, a European import.