Visitors 252
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 16-Apr-15
109 photos
Before Ann Lambrecht's spring wildflower walk from Escobar Gate, I went out early. Dew covered the flowers. Insects drowsed, or made their way through huge (to them) spheres of water. The dewdrops acted as lenses, showing within them the world beyond. This collection shows some of my photographs from the early-morning adventure and from the later wildflower walk per se. They are ordered roughly geographically, not chronologically -- check the amount of dew to tell the time.
The neighboring folder shows some of the people on the wildflower walk. Compare these images with those taken from the same locations at the start of March -- over in Jasper Ridge Galleries > "A Day at a Time". The shooting stars that were so prominent less than four weeks ago are nowhere to be seen today.
I have not been able to identify all of these plants. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT on any image, with a ID or other info. If the title says "Flower" -- you probably know more! Let us know!!