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Visitors 13
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 1-Aug-22
23 photos

The water level in Searsville Lake keeps dropping, and plants encroach on the surface away from the dam. San Francisquito Creek, fed by undammed Bear Creek, still flows at a relaxed rate, keeping the riparian area green and flourishing. Some shaded hillsides remain green; others, depending on the aspect, are turning brown or red with Poison Oak. Jackrabbits browse.

These images were made before and during Joel Simon's photo workshops at Jasper Ridge -- many, with morning light, moonset, morning shadows, before the 10 am starting time. They are arranged roughly by geography and subject, mixing the mornings and afternoons of the two days.

I have pulled out four images as my "select" best, nearby. Do you agree? Which of these images do you prefer?

The workshop inspired me to try a "focus stack" on one photo, number 20. I made several photos, each with the sharp focus at a different depth from the front of the flower. Automatic tools are now available to combine the "in focus" parts of each exposure together, yielding one image with much more in sharp(er) focus. I can still learn...
Hazy Morning VistaMonika's Bench and Searsville LakeLake and SkyReflections with RipplesWater PlantsDragonfly in FlightDragonfly at RestSunrise, MoonsetSearsville Lake between Wetlands and ChaparralSeason's EndYet Another DawnGrinding RockStanding TreetrunkOak BranchesRiparian ZoneAnother Woodland TrailVaried LeavesBerriesSeed PatternPlant Pattern