Home»Jasper Ridge Galleries»Warrior's Plume aka Indian Warrior (Pedicularis densiflora)
Visitors 62
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 30-Apr-18
41 photos
"Warrior' Plume" is a name more apt than "Indian Warrior" -- I have heard that the Native Americans hereabout were relatively peaceful, certainly as compared with the Europeans who came later. Here is a collection of images throughout the seasons, over the years since 2008. Each geographical location is shown for different seasons.
The collection begins with one of my favorite images, from 2008: Woodland Trail. Two versions of this image are followed by five taken from about the same place, in other seasons. Then we move up Road D to visit another stand of Pedicularis densifolia. These three yellow morphs only appeared in 2008.
Another common place to see P. deniflora is near Escobar Gate, on Road F just past Trail 15. Here are 13 images from there, including two closeups.
The remaining images show P. densiflora in bloom, from various locations around Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve.
Check out Docent Katharina Stromeyer's 2018 project for more information on this hemiparasitic plant.