On Aug 15, 2022, at 2:25 PM, Nancy Berry <
[email protected]> wrote:
Hi there!
What a grand surprise. sorry for the delay in answering. I've been caught up in a project for about a week. All's well with all here. I had a knee replaced the 1st of June so I'm still learning patience. I'm hoping for something more interesting. Tod's a great nurse.
Loved the quilt but I think it's more of a community effort. Most of the names I can make out are not family. Momma Quinn, (Mattie) our grandmother, is Mrs. H, S. Quinn, center bottom row. There are some Tate family names. Aunt Adddie was already married to Preach by then and they lived in the community. I can't remember Mother Ellen's name before she married Papa Quinn in the mid-forties.
I didn't see Grandma Grindstaff, (Mary Woody Grandstaff) our great-grandmother, on the quilt though I'm pretty sure she was still alive in the '20s. Papa Quinn's parents died much earlier.
Mom was already teaching school in the eastern part of N. C. by then to send money home for the family.
We come from a weird and wonderful bunch. Hope we're doing our part.
And I hope you, Helen, et al. have a great time together.
My love to you, trusting that you'll spread it around,