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Visitors 19
Modified 9-Dec-24
Created 1-Sep-15
71 photos

Caroline really knows Cape Cod. She told me to go to Seal Beach and Pilgrim Lake. Seals, of course. Birds. Dunes, sand... I missed the mystery birds at Pilgrim Lake, but had a nice adventure with a raven -- there is a separate folder for this! I got lost and wandered around High Head as well -- butterflies and berries. A wild turkey on the way.

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Caroline's MapWild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) in Natural HabitatBerriesBerriesBerries Up CloseButterfly with DewButterfly with DewButterflyFlower with BeefliesBeeflies in FlowerBeefly (Detail)Cape Cod PinesView from High HeadBirdCommon Raven (Corvus corax)FlowersWhite FlowerFlower from AboveWhite Flower from Above