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Taken 30-Jun-15
Visitors 1

4 of 139 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1920 x 1080
Original file size856 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken30-Jun-15 20:17
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D300
FlashNot fired
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 200
Metering modeCenter-weighted average
Digital zoom1x
Silver Pines at Dusk

Silver Pines at Dusk

Three silver pines rest in the still air and fading light. Weathered granite welcomes hardy plants. The last of sunset light bathes Cathedral Peak. The accepted common name today is western white pine (Pinus montocola). I prefer the older name, "silver pine". John Muir calls them "mountain pines". A circle in the granite this side of the middle pine I have called the "Ceremony Circle", though I know not what ceremonies are performed here, or when. 6/30/2015, 8:17 pm.