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Visitors 84
Modified 9-Dec-24
Created 8-Jan-12
55 photos

In city or country town, temple or market: the people of Myanmar were almost universally friendly and open. They seemed glad to see us tourists, and happy to pose for our cameras. Still, I did feel I was being a little intrusive at times.

This collection includes some other images from Mandalay, including from Mandalay Hill overlooking the city.

There are a few images of my fellow tourists & our tour team, here. Ask me if you want more photos of you or others you know.
Carrying a ChildCarrying a ChildApplauseApplausePosing for a PhotoChildThree ChildrenPosing for a PhotoPeanutsMother & Child at HomePounding a PotOld Woman with PotsSeaman greets his Wife & ChildFamilySoccer MonkSmokerGathering WaterGathering WaterWater CallMother & Child