Visitors 33
Modified 16-Jan-22
Created 18-Aug-19
0 photos

During my quick visit to La Reina, I photographed a little of local life, as well as the roads and other development in the valley and along the way in and out. This is just a quick collection of snapshots, taken at one time of year. It of course does not represent the full life of the people there.

Since people's lives are so closely intertwined with nature hereabouts, the boundary is blurred between the photos in this gallery and the neighboring one, "Nature". Here are also some photos from our visits to the microgrid projects; more are in the "Microgrid" gallery. The Festival of Saint Anne is also treated separately.

The photos in this gallery are roughly in chronological order. The first few depict our visit to a big box store for supplies, and some signs on the way in. The last dozen or so show the road out. Similar views from this road are in the "Nature" gallery nearby; both nature and development are evident along the dirt road.

Please leave a comment if you know the ID of anything depicted in the photo. We all thank you!
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