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Visitors 2386
Modified 9-Dec-24
Created 19-Nov-10
173 photos

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in Trieste, Italy, promotes science in the developing world: <>. From 11/8-10/2010, they held a conference, "Science and Development for a Changing World", to celebrate their anniversary "ICTP after 45". This coincided with the 25th anniversary of the Dirac Medal -- awarded annually since 1985 to an individual or individuals who have made siginficant contributions to theoretical physics and/or mathematics. Several previous Dirac Medalists lectured during this celebration. They were introduced by students from ICTP, many in their national dress.

This portfolio celebrates the event in photographs.
NewsmakerE.C.G. SudarshanProfessor and Mrs. E.C.G. SudarshanConference AttendeeDavid Gross & E.C.G. SudarshanICTP45_06_DJQ5348ICTP45_07_DJQ5349Presentation of 2010 Dirac Medal to E.C.G. SudarshanPresentation of Dirac Medal to E.C.G. SudarshanICTP45_10_DJQ5359ICTP45_17_DJQ5380ICTP45_11_DJQ5364ICTP45_12_DJQ5365ICTP45_13_DJQ5366ICTP45_14_DJQ5368Presentation of Nicola Cabibbo's 2010 Dirac Medal to Paola CabibboPresentation of Nicola Cabibbo's 2010 Dirac Medal to Paola CabibboAndrea Cabibbo accepts the 2010 Dirac Medal given his FatherMrs. & Prof. E.C.G. Sudarshan, & Walter KohnICTP45_20_DJQ5391