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Visitors 633
Modified 9-Dec-24
Created 20-Nov-10
49 photos

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in Trieste, Italy, promotes science in the developing world: <>. From 11/8-10/2010, they held a conference, "Science and Development for a Changing World", to celebrate their anniversary "ICTP after 45". This coincided with the 25th anniversary of the Dirac Medal -- awarded annually since 1985 to an individual or individuals who have made siginficant contributions to theoretical physics and/or mathematics. Several previous Dirac Medalists lectured during this celebration. They were introduced by students from ICTP, many in their national dress.

This portfolio celebrates the event in photographs. It contains a selection of images. For all images, see the other gallery, "ICTP 45+".
Michele ParrinelloHelen QuinnAndrea Cabibbo accepts the 2010 Dirac Medal given his FatherSergio FerraraJohn H. SchwarzICTP45_119_DJQ6688Helen Quinn (Chair, Board on Science Education, US National Academy of Sciences) & Herwig Schopper (Chairman, Scientific Board, IBSP Programme, UNESCO)David GrossICTP45_128_DJQ6722ICTP45_112_DJQ6650Mrs. & Prof. E.C.G. Sudarshan, & Walter KohnHelen QuinnElisa Quevedo and her BatikICTP45_123_DJQ6701David Gross & E.C.G. SudarshanICTP45_41_DJQ6479ICTP45_113_DJQ6663Elisa Quevedo with her ScarvesICTP45_52_DJQ6509Presentation of 2010 Dirac Medal to E.C.G. Sudarshan