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Taken 17-Dec-23
Visitors 5

4 of 6 photos
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Date modified17-Dec-23 14:09
Records of Maul Oak at JRBP: 1973 Sighting of Q. chrysolepis at Jasper Ridge: Herb Dengler

Records of Maul Oak at JRBP: 1973 Sighting of Q. chrysolepis at Jasper Ridge: Herb Dengler

Can you see the red mark on the map? Seen on Road E near Trail 9, on E side, away from Searsville Lake. "South-facing base of gully which drains into Searsville Lake, growing below Adenostoma, but facing more mesic N.-facing slope. Small group of trees to about 18' tall. Only ones I know of on J.R." -- Herb Dengler, May 24th, 1973. Sample in the Dudley Herbarium at Jasper Ridge. Toni Corelli and Alice Cummings have posted photos in the online JRBP Vascular Plant List. Toni IDs the location: "Several trees, Trail 9 Sector 31 /C3". So -- what is our tree, far from there, on Road D near Trail 6, above Trail 8?