The Jasper Ridge Ant Survey has turned thirty! Thirty years, twice a year, over an array of survey points on a 100-meter grid covering much of the Preserve. For the first few years, individual graduate students from Deborah Gordon’s Stanford group set up and performed the survey all by themselves. In about 2011, this was turned into a volunteer activity.
The celebration featured talks by Deborah Gordon and the graduate students involved, as well as leaders and coordinators of the volunteer days. After the lectures and a group photo, we shared stories over lunch, then took a nostalgic walk around Searsville Lake, visiting some of our favorite ants.
The first gallery documents the lectures, lunch, and the people/ant part of the walk. The next gallery: birds, landscapes, and more, which I noticed on the walk – continuing my documentation of Jasper Ridge in this time of global climate change. Finally, historic photos, assembled for a slide show during the celebration. Jack Owicki contributed as well. You might enjoy some of these old photos.