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Taken 17-Aug-16
Visitors 12

20 of 64 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1920 x 1200
Original file size597 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken17-Aug-16 08:31
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelNIKON D5000
FlashNot fired
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Aperture priority
ISO speedISO 800
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x
Cute Carpenter Bee (?) on Tarweed (2)

Cute Carpenter Bee (?) on Tarweed (2)

Thanks to Pierre Martineau, who writes: "I think you'd like to know that the "iridescent fly" (images 3-7...) is actually a bee; I believe it is a species of Ceratina, a genus of (cute) small carpenter bees." I should have known: no halteres. To which Pierre adds: "Bravo Dan for the "no halteres" comment! makes me feel quite proud of my student :-) Also, carefully looking at your pictures at the highest resolution might reveal one on which you would be able to tell (I was not) that there are in fact 2 wings folded on top of each other; this would rule out a"Another striking (yet more difficult to formalize precisely) bee character on your pictures are the 'elbowed', ant-like antennae. AFAIK, no fly has such antennal structure"