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Visitors 15
Modified 9-Dec-24
Created 12-Feb-21
98 photos

Here are many of the photos used in Bethica's birthday book -- and a few more. The book contained contributions from her friends over the years: photos, and six-word quotes. We gave the book to her on her birthday,, March 4, 2021. March 4th: the only day of the year that is also a command.
Bethica at Butano, Camping 2016BCCL Thanksgiving 2009First Wedding 7/9/1994 -- In the CenterBreakfast in BedHelen Ruth Arnold holds BethBeaming James Payton Leake with Great-GrandchildrenDan, Helen, and Beth on Front PorchBethica at Radcliffe Child Care CenterOff to WorkBethica on Dan's ShouldersIlana Gordon with BethJames, Helen, BethOff to SchoolMitzie & Owners (1978)James and Beth in Portola ValleyBethica Reads Upside Down 1979Bethica QuinnBethica QuinnView from Jane Ames Bench?Bethica Quinn Writing Poetry