Created 3-Mar-24
On the edge of Searsville Lake, on the edge of the storm, on the edge of springtime: a circumnavigation of Searsville Lake. Storm clouds threaten, and a few drops fall. Muddy water rushes into the lake from Corte Madera Creek, expanding into a delta, depositing sediment to shrink the lake yet more. Water plunges over Searsville Dam, relieved of 90% of the sediment delivered upstream. Searsville Lake shrinks, waiting for the hoped-for culvert through the dam to allow the creek to flow freely after a century and more, returning a section of the lakebed to a riparian canyon with steelhead trout and all.

Perched on a quiet weather vane, above a soggy spiderweb, a small songbird -- flycatcher or phoebe -- greets the morning, hoping for sunlight and a partner. Water courses over the dam, pushing a floating branch to the brink. In the distance along the lakeshore, a Bald Eagle rests in a treetop as mist rises beyond.

On the trail skirting the lake, a few early-spring blossoms sport raindrops. Dirca occidentalis, Western Leatherwood, is in full bloom – alive with golden blossoms, the branches yet bare of springtime leaves. Hungry shoots of California Manroot emerge from their underground summer slumber, their twisting tendrils grasping other plants as they climb toward the trail and sunlight.

A Red-tailed Hawk takes advantage of a high perch: Jasper Ridge’s radio repeater tower.

Here is a view of the wet times near the lake. Enjoy!

I have two goals in sharing these photos: to document the ecology of Jasper Ridge in these days of climate change, and to share some of my better images. Today these goals might conflict. So here are two galleries: one, with a small collection of pretty-nice images; the other documenting my walk this morning, its interesting (to me) photos not always of high artistic merit.

Here’s a challenge: are there other photos I should have included in the smaller selection? Left out? (I do love birds, common or un-.)

2/1/2024 Select Few from Around Searsville Lake after Rain

Visitors 81
7 photos
Created 3-Mar-24
Modified 3-Mar-24
2/1/2024 Select Few from Around Searsville Lake after Rain

2/1/2024 Full Collection: Rainclouds, Blossoms, Landscapes, and All

Visitors 57
47 photos
Created 3-Mar-24
Modified 3-Mar-24
2/1/2024 Full Collection: Rainclouds, Blossoms, Landscapes, and All