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Visitors 1
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 19-Aug-23
19 photos

Nests of Harvester Ants (now called Veromessor andrei) are common on the Ridge, along Road F and in the serpentine grassland. They protect their nest from other species of ants. Then it is a hassle, cleaning up all those bodies.

Clay Mariposa Lilies blossom in the serpentine grassland. Autumn on the Ridge.
Blue Oak ArchwayAnt ColonyGraveyard DutyGraveyard DutyBusy Harvester AntsGraveyard DutyBusy Harvester AntsGraveyard DutyHarvester Ants Cleaning UpHarvester Ants Cleaning UpOak WoodlandSlice of Sunlight on Oak RidgeValley Oak with Mistletoe in SerpentineClay Mariposa Lily (Calochortus argillosus)Clay Mariposa Lily (Calochortus argillosus)Clay Mariposa Lily (Calochortus argillosus)Another Ant ColonyOak WoodlandOak Woodland