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Even if you are on a bird walk, keep your eyes on the ground as well! Teal did, and spotted this (male?) Tarantula walking near Trail 15. Lying flat, I moved my camera close for a few intimate portraits. (When I look at the photos now, it seems to me that I was too close, bothering the arachnid. my anthropomorphism?)

Was the Tarantula bothered by my lens -- or did he see another Tarantula in the reflection, perhaps a rival?

The Tarantula sprayed a liquid. Then some silk. Then pawed at the lens -- or the reflection in the lens.

After about three minutes, I moved back three or four feet. After perhaps seven more minutes, the Tarantula crept down a hole. Perhaps to look for a female?? Other people took photos. The Tarantula came out of the hole and wandered off.
Tarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper RidgeTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius)Tarantula (Aphonopelma iodius)Tarantula SpraysTarantula Ready to LaunchTarantula SpraysSprayingSprayingWeb Material?Web Material?Tarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper RidgeTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper RidgeTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper RidgeTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper RidgeTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius)Tarantula (Aphonopelma iodius)Tarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper RidgeTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper RidgeTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) from AboveTarantula (Aphonopelma iodius) at Jasper Ridge

Guestbook for 9/28/2021 Tarantula
Bob Dodge(non-registered)
good commentary. I like the "what was it reacting to" part and questioning our intrusion into its world.
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