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Visitors 133
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 11-Jul-21
46 photos

What a relief, to be back in Jasper Ridge, walking the trails long absented. My my, it is dry! The lake is so empty! But the essential remains. So nice to begin to become acquainted with past pleasures, appreciating anew what was once almost taken for granted.

It was great to see many old friends -- in person, no masks! And to meet a new graduate of the docent class of 2020. I always learn a lot, walking with fellow docents. This day, I discovered another type of oak, one I have passed many times without seeing it as different from the familiar Valley, Coast Live, Blue, Black, or Leather Oaks I know — or their hybrids. I learned some new plants -- and hope to learn more, once folks leave comments on these photos. I discovered once again the benefits of walking with a group: many observers can notice things I would pass by. In fact, many of us passed by a somnolescent, Pacific, Rattlesnake at shoulder height next to the trail. As a trailing hiker, I was there.

On this hike, we covered some of the same ground down by San Francisquito Creek where I had been just six days before, with a smaller group, after 16 months’ absence. It was similar, yet not the same. Some flowers had disappeared; other plants gained attention.

Please do leave a comment on any photo if you have more information. We will all appreciate it!
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