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Visitors 2
Modified 25-Aug-23
Created 25-Aug-23
9 photos

Capping off a strange season, tradition returns: poppies and goldfields bedeck the borders of the dirt road on the Ridge. Crimson Columbine and the persistent Clay Mariposa Lily hold court. Later, Hayfields Tarweed covers the grassland, bobbing white flowers offering respite for pollinators until the next rain, its heady fragrance filling the air, its sticky tar covering any shoe that dares to venture near.

Baby spiderlings venture forth, blessed by the overarching legs of a watchful parent.
Poppies and Goldfields: Spring on Jasper RidgeLone Valley Oak in SpringtimeCrimson Columbine (Aquilegia formosa)Western Honeybee (Apis mellifera) mines Pollen in Clay Mariposa Lily (Calochortus argillosus)Hayfield Tarweed (Hemizonia congesta ssp. luzulifolia) In the GrsslandsBeefly on TarweedBeefly on Hayfield Tarweed BlossomGrassland, Chaparral, Oaks, and Windy HillSpiderlings Emerge