Single Combat
I notice these two carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) (?), in single combat near the harvest ant nest in the middle of Road F. They may be of the same genus but different species: is the lower, larger one C. semitestaceous? The upper, darker one has lost part of a leg (the back leg on this side, still useful as a brace); later,the lower, larger one will lose some of her antennae. They were still locked in combat when I returned here two hours later, when I was able to witness the escape of the lower one. They limped off on their separate ways. Why were they fighting? No nest nearby to protect; these two were the only ants of these species I saw here. Predators often take a wide berth around each other; the risk of injury overwhelms any possible gain from combat. Road F near the forest, chaparral, and Trail 15, out of Escobar Gate, 8/24/2018, 10:13:45 am.