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Visitors 78
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 14-Apr-19
67 photos

Visiting the Ridge with old friends and new, many more knowledgeable than I about plant ID and characteristics, I found my hike delayed by other old friends, the insects, flowers, and trees of the Ridge and the serpentine. I watched a crab spider, colored to blend into a bright orange poppy, climb out of the flower and position itself on a stem, claws spread to capture any venturing insect. A bright iridescent green fly emerged from a purple and white Blue Dicks -- and I almost had time to focus before it flew off, leaving the usual beetles behind. Many other flowers, insects, and trees -- some seen multiple times this month, as I return again and again to experience springtime on Jasper Ridge.

My apologies: I have not taken time to write captions here; I prefer to share more of my recent photos, before the rains end and spring fades into summer. Stay tuned.

Please, if you know an ID or interesting aspect of the plant or insect, leave a comment on the photo. We will all thank you!