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Visitors 67
Modified 9-Dec-24
Created 31-Aug-17
26 photos

We spent the day of the eclipse on a hillside just south of Mt. Vernon, OR. We had camped out in a resident's field the night before. Nice people and a few animals. This was mostly a cow pasture, not much wildlife.

See also my iPhone photos taken the same day, and my telephoto photos of the sun's corona taken during the eclipse.
California Quail in OregonView from near our Eclipse Viewing SiteLong ShadowsReady for the EclipseReady for the EclipseLooking WestEclipse is About to BeginShowing the EclipseEclipse and SunspotsWatching the Sun DisappearThe Final ShutdownThe Final Shutdown (2)The Final Shutdown (3)The Final Shutdown (3, showing the sky)TotalityTotality 2Totality 3Totality 4After TotalityAfter Totality (2)