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Taken 8-Aug-16
Visitors 24

12 of 62 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions6000 x 2940
Original file size4.01 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Grassland, Chaparral, and Valley Oaks

Grassland, Chaparral, and Valley Oaks

A mistletow-covered valley oak (Quercus lobata) borders the grassland, just beyond Road F. Incipient chaparral lies beyond; coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis) is prominent. Another valley oak is on the ridgeline, joined by several dark-green coast live oaks (Q. agrifolia). The annual European grass is just beginning to turn "California golden" (AKA yellow). The chaparral of the previous images lies just to our right. A panorama from Trail 16, across Road F, looking toward fog-shrouded Skyline. 9:12 am.