Visitors 98
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 6-May-16
125 photos
Birding out of Escobar Gate, we saw a coyote hunting near the lone valley oak; six kinds of brodiaea; five kinds of oak; butterflies mating; and many birds, late spring flowers, and insects. I was glad to show Helen's cousin Sue some of our local highlights, including a red-tailed hawk, turkeys, and my favorite: a white-tailed kite, rapidly beating its wings to hover stationless in the wind, then diving to seize an unsuspecting vole.
Check the kite images for some meditations on windhover, kites, and poetry.
Sally, Phil and other birders; John, Sara, and everyone: my IDs may need correction or amplification. Please leave a comment! And I think I saw another dove or pigeon, not a mourning dove. The photos are here.