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Taken 9-Sep-16
Visitors 4

4 of 5 photos
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Dimensions3993 x 4234
Original file size2.42 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB


Teri Barry writes: Probably Leptosiphon bicolor. Where the white and pink flowers on the same plant? I have seen both colors on the same plant on the ridge - very cool!"

On closer inspection, I can tell the white flowers come from the plant in the foreground; pink, the plant behind. This appears to be the same kind of plant.

I think the pink may be bicolored leptosiphon (L. bicolor)?? Is the white common leptosiphon (L. androsaceus) or pygmy leptosiphon (L. pygmaeus ssp. continentalis)?? Or???

This plant used to be called "linanthus". Trail 15, 12:56 pm.