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Visitors 163
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 3-Feb-16
54 photos

Spring is here! This shows a morning walk from Mapache Gate, along Trails 12, 9, 11, 10, and back to the gate. Sunlight alternated with overcast; I almost gave up partway through.

Signs of spring abound. Dirca occidentalis (western leatherwood) blooms several places along Trail 12, and in an isolated spot up on Trail 11 as it crosses over to Trail 10. This time of year, the plants have no leaves -- just an abundance of flowers. A bright yellow accent within the green and still grey landscape. When I returned home, I noticed an ant on a Dirca blossom...

Here are also shoots and buds of hound's tongue; trillium, about to blossom; buckeye seeds putting down roots; and spring fungi. Willow buds, also appearing before their leaves.

Dawn near Mapache GateDawn LightDawn Light with MoonA New Day BeginsDirca!Dirca BlossomsDirca BlossomDirca on Trail 12More Dirca on Trail 12Putting Down a RootEarly SunlightEarly Sunlight (2)RobinRobin (Detail)Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) in SpringFirst BloomNew ShootsJack-o-lanternEarly Light on OaksSmall Mushrooms