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Visitors 56
Modified 21-Dec-23
Created 18-Sep-11
56 photos

A rattlesnake at the Docent Center! Winged Carpenter Ants (Camponotus sp) leaving the nest!

Many different forms of the Camponotus ant can be seen crowding to leave the nest and continue the cycle of life. Unwinged workers and soldiers. Winged alates, male and female.

The males are especially interesting. Small heads; big eyes; big muscles to support their wings; sperm. Single-mindedly focused on the one task that males are asked to perform.

Trail 7, near Road D, just outside the old Shack Riders' Shack.

As always, your comments are welcome on the images. Which species of Camponotus is this?

I am posting the ant images without editing. (I edited some in 9/2012.) Flip through them, and see if this does not bring nightmares. Shades of Darth Vader!