Created 6-Mar-12
"Picture Jasper Ridge" is a "performance hike" by Ann Carlson, the visiting artist at the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. This represents a new activity for the predominantly scientific preserve. See <> for a description of this 70-minute production. Audience members were led in silence on a planned route through JR. Featured along the way were a number of "events": -- some, live tableaux re-creating archival photos, and some, current events in the JR biological community. (For the latter, see my photographs at 2/18/2012, The Route.) Participants also experienced the mystery of immediate experience of what was happening, without explanation or expectation. I helped by photographing some of the current "events"; by providing a back story to some of these (see My Archival Images), and by being one of the guides. It was an interesting and eye-opening experience. If you were an audience member, a participant as an actor or guide, or are just curious, I hope you find these images interesting.

Performances were on March 9, 10, and 11. Images from these days and the March 4 dress rehearsal are mixed together in the first gallery.

The second gallery, "2/18/2012 The Route ...", contains images from the route. Some of these were used in the program and became official "events" for the performance hike. Others are just what happened that day.

The last gallery, "My Archival Images", collects some of my previous images from this same route. Included are records showing how the bones got to be there

March 2012 Performances of Picture Jasper Ridge

Visitors 232
120 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
March 2012 Performances of Picture Jasper Ridge

2/27/2012 Dress Rehearsal

Visitors 7
27 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
2/27/2012 Dress Rehearsal

2/18/2012 The Route of Picture Jasper Ridge

Visitors 523
51 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
2/18/2012 The Route of Picture Jasper Ridge

My Archival Images

Visitors 452
43 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
My Archival Images