Created 10-Nov-23
Ant Survey group photos from a dozen years. Ant surveyors in action, traversing hillside and thicket, then gathering to share stories and identify puttered ants. Ants: foraging, fighting, carrying larvae to a new nest, even winged princesses and their consorts, emerging from the nest to spread to new ground. Landscapes, birds, insects, flowers, and other creatures possibly encountered during the survey – including Poison Oak and Pacific Rattlesnake, if not ticks. There are two landscape galleries, one from me, one from Jack Owicki. (We both contributed ants.)

Jack Owicki and I assembled a background slide show for the attendees at the celebration. You might be interested too.

The first two galleries are group photos of the volunteers for many of the ant surveys from 2012 through 2023. Matt Bahls helped assemble this as well. Sorry, we don’t have every survey here.

When I participate in the ant survey, I keep my camera(s) handy. Here are some photos of ant surveyors in action, in the field and in the lab afterwards.

Jack and I have photographed many ants over the years. This collection comes from our archives. (The ones in focus are Jack’s 😊)

The last two galleries show some of the locations traversed by ant surveyors over the year, and some of the non-ant sights they might have seen. Jack’s photos and mine are in separate galleries. Mine are somewhat random – as you know from this web site, I do have many photos of Jasper Ridge. I have tried to choose these with an anter’s view in mind. Jack offers photos in infrared as well as color, day and late evening, with Searsville Lake full and overflowing, as well as drying out, waiting for rain.

Ant Surveyor Group Photos (2012-2023)

Visitors 1
27 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
Ant Surveyor Group Photos (2012-2023)

Ant Survey Group Photos -- Closer, Panoramas

Visitors 0
26 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
Ant Survey Group Photos -- Closer, Panoramas

Anters in Action

Visitors 1
82 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
Anters in Action


Visitors 1
114 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23

Landscapes and More (Dan)

Visitors 2
60 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
Landscapes and More (Dan)

Landscapes and More (Jack)

Visitors 2
13 photos
Created 22-Dec-23
Modified 22-Dec-23
Landscapes and More (Jack)